Wednesday, November 27, 2019

6th Grade Science Fair Projects

6th Grade Science Fair Projects Ideas for 6th-grade science fair projects can be a challenge to conceive. Projects need to be sophisticated and elaborate enough to show complex thinking but not so complex that they would be impossible for a sixth-grader to execute. These are topics and experiments suitable for upper-grade school or entry-level middle school. General Project Ideas The ideas in this section and the following one are phrased as questions because that is generally how schools require sixth-grade students to announce their projects, as a question, or hypothesis, to be tested and answered. What types of fruits or vegetables are suitable for making a battery?Which apps run down a cell phone battery most quickly or use up a lot of data. This is a good project for making attractive graphs.How much paper is required to register for school? Can you propose a way to streamline the process to make it more environmentally friendly? Would this process save time or money?What exactly does a vacuum cleaner pick up? Use a magnifying glass or microscope to look at the contents of a bag or canister. What types of material are not picked up?Does coloring carbonated water change how its taste is perceived?How long does it take for milk to go bad refrigerated and unrefrigerated? What about juice?Do all crayons have the same melting points? Why or why not?Do different types of carbonated sodas have different pH? Do you think this can affect tooth decay?What types of fruits, vegetables, and flowers can be used to make a pH indicator? Make some indicator solution, write up a protocol, and test home chemicals to explore the color range of your solution. Can you tell different brands of soda pop apart based on taste?Do some plants grow better inside than outside? More Complex Projects The projects in this section tend to be slightly more complex than those suggested in the previous section. They are still appropriate for sixth-grade science fair projects but may take more steps and/or time to execute. What type of air freshener makes a school bus smell best to the greatest number of students?Which type of water contains the lowest amount of chlorine?What type of insulation holds in heat the best?Do different types of knots affect the breaking strength of a rope?Does wiping a doorknob with an antibacterial wipe really reduce the numbers of bacteria? Does using hand sanitizer really reduce the amount of bacteria on your hands?How do different flame retardants affect the flammability and burning rate of cotton?Which cooking method results in the least loss of vitamin C?Does temperature affect the maximum size you can inflate a balloon?Does the color of a crayon affect how long of a line it will write?Does changing the temperature affect how long a pen will last?Do all types of bread mold at the same rate? Tips and Hints By the sixth grade, students should have a good understanding of the steps of the scientific method. The best science fair project ideas will be ones with a hypothesis that is tested by an experiment. Then, the student decides whether to accept or reject the hypothesis and draws a conclusion. This is also a good grade level for presenting data in graphs and charts. Parents and teachers need to understand that sixth-graders still need help with ideas, especially finding ideas that use materials that are readily available and that can be completed within the allotted time frame. One way to come up with a good idea is to look around the house and find topics a sixth-grader may have questions about. Brainstorm these questions and find ones that can be written as a testable hypothesis.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Using the PHP Function to Find When a File Was Modified

Using the PHP Function to Find When a File Was Modified If your website contains time-sensitive information- or even if it doesnt- you may want to display the last time a file was modified on the website. This gives users an accurate idea of how up to date the information on a page is. You can automatically draw this information from the file itself using the ​filemtime() PHP function. The filemtime() PHP function retrieves the Unix timestamp from the file. The date function converts the Unix timestamp time. This timestamp indicates when the file was last changed. Example Code to Display File Modification Date   When you use this code,  replace myfile.txt with the actual name of the file you are dating.​ ?php // outputs myfile.txt was last modified: December 29 2002 22:16:23. $filename myfile.txt; if (file_exists($filename)) {  Ã‚  echo $filename was last modified: . date (F d Y H:i:s., filemtime($filename)); } ? Other Uses for Filemtime() Function In addition to time-stamping web articles, the filemtime() function can be used to select all articles older than a specified time for the purpose of deleting all old articles. It can also be used to sort articles by age for other purposes. The function can come in handy when dealing with browser caching. You can force the download of a revised version of a stylesheet or page using the filemtime()  function. Filemtime can be used to capture the modification time of an image or other file on a remote site. Information on Filemtime() Function The results  of the filemtime() function are cached. The  clearstatcache() function clears the cache.If the filemtime () function fails, the code returns false.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) Essay

U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) - Essay Example For a new employer who currently has no international ventures, and would like to go international, there are several key factors that require their attention. Such factors include the availability of adequate financial resources, human and social capital. In additional, for a new employer to get focused internationally, there is the first need to go through the domestic market entry barriers and gather the opportunities that lead to higher purchasing power of consumers from the developed economies. The employer must also carry out market analysis to ensure that it has fully engaged the domestic market enough before moving to the international market. It goes without saying that one major factor that would push an employer to the international market would be the availability of adequate financial resources. Such resources will be necessary for the creation of new offices in the countries where the business would decide to venture in. There is also this aspect of hiring the human capital that would perform the various duties in the business. The financial resources, apart from aiding in acquiring offices, will also be necessary for setting up the operational structures and activities of the company in the new areas. The company will also have to invest in the social capital to be sure that its investment get enough market in the public sphere through good social relations. In deciding to pursue international business, the main determining factors include economic, environmental, market and competitive factors. The market forces will determine the receptivity of the customers to a global product. When the consumers are more receptive to the product, the business is set to go global. However, if the consumers are less receptive to the product, the business is not yet ready to go global and the best thing to do is to do enough marketing to increase its receptivity. Economic factors